
How to create tabs in blank ionic 4 project

How to create tabs in blank project in Ionic 4 In this post we  will learn about how can we add tabs in blank ionic project. Step 1 :- first create a blank ionic project using below command :- ionic start myApp blank Step 2 :- now I am creating a page which name is "home" using below command :- ionic g page home Step 3 :- now I will create 3 pages which name will be "profile", "notification", "setting" inside "home" folder using below command :- ionic g page home/profile ionic g page home/notification ionic g page home/setting Step 4 :- now I will open "" file and put tabs code :- <ion-tabs> <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom"> <ion-tab-button tab="profile">    <ion-label>Profile</ion-label>    <ion-icon name=""></ion-icon> </ion-tab-button> ...

Registration form validation in Ionic 4

How to set validation in registration form using Ionic 4 In this post we will learn everything about Ionic forms and input validations in Ionic apps. Step 1 :- First we will create a blank Ionic 4 project, using below command :- ionic start myApp blank

Handle CORS issue temporarily in jquery ajax call

How to handle CORS issue temporary In this post we will discuss, how to call API service in a cross domain using jQuery ajax. What is same origin policy :- Browsers allow a web page to make AJAX requests only with in the same origin.  This is called same origin policy. Browsers does not allow cross domain ajax requests. The following 2 URLs have the same origin http://localhost:1111/api/products http://localhost:1111/products.html The following 2 URLs have different origins, because they have different port numbers (1111 v/s 1234) http://localhost: 1111 /api/ products http://localhost: 1234 / products .html The following 2 URLs have different origins, because they have different domains (.com v/s .net) http://learntechwitheasy .com /api/ products http:// learntechwitheasy .net / products .html The following 2 URLs have different origins, because they have different schemes (http v/s https) https: // learntechwitheasy .com/api/ products http: // learntec...

Client side validation using jquery

Registration form validation using jquery validator How to validate a form data on client side before send to the form data on server. Step 1 :- I have a html file which name is "RegistrationForm.html" , This file will include jquery, css, bootstrap. Here I am going to write my code to validate the form :- <!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <head>     <title>Form Validation</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="">     <style type="text/css">     #myForm .form-group label.error {       color: #FB3A3A;       display: inline-block;       margin: 0px 0 0px 0px;       padding: 0;       text-align: left;     }   </style>     <script src="